Drone Laws
in Nevada (2023)

Welcome to this wiki. The goal of this wiki is to crowd-source drone information. Having said that, information may be inaccurate, out-of-date, and should not be relied upon for legal advice.

Nevada State Drone Laws
These laws apply in the entire state.

Nevada State Parks

Although there are no references to laws, the official Nevada State Parks website states that the use of drones is prohibited in State Parks except in areas designated for such activities or by issuance of a special permit.

Ref Nevada State Parks FAQs


Nevada Revised Statutes 493.103

  • Flying a drone over private property at a height less than 250 feet may be considered trespassing if the person who owns or occupies the property had already notified the drone operator that they do not authorize drone operations over their property at a prior incident.
  • This rule does not apply to FAA-licensed drone operators who are operating within the scope of lawful activities of the business and do not unreasonably interfere with the existing use of the property.

Ref NRS 493.103


Assembly Bill 239

  • Revises the definition of “aircraft” to include unmanned aerial vehicles
  • Prohibits drone operations within a specified distance from Nevada’s airports and critical facilities.
  • Prohibits the weaponization of drones.

Ref Assembly Bill 239

City and County
Drone Laws
These laws apply in some areas.

Local drone laws in Nevada refer to policies and regulations that are enacted and enforced at the county, city, or town levels.


Washoe County

The use of drones is prohibited in all county parks unless by permit, in designated areas, or with the written permission of the director. Drone operations must be carried out in a manner that does not cause disruption of peace or threat to public safety.

Ref County Code 95.150


Clark County

Identifies designated parks for operating unmanned aircraft:

  • Desert Breeze Park
  • Mountain’s Edge Regional Park
  • Lone Mountain Park
  • Bennett Airfield
  • Silver Bowl Park
  • Horseman Park
  • Clark County Shooting Complex
  • James Regional Park

Operations of smaller drones designed for racing and/or maneuvers will require a special use permit that can be secured from the Parks and Recreation Department.

Ref Parks and Trails / Rules and Regulations


City of Las Vegas

Prohibits the launching and landing of any aircraft upon any public street, highway, or other public right-of-way, and on any parking lot which is provided for use of the public. This does not apply to drones operated by or at the direction of a government entity, authorized by the City Council, or those necessary in order to protect life or property.

Ref Code of Ordinances Chapter 13.58.020

Prohibits “remote control airplanes” within any City park, recreational facility, or public plaza, including any parking area that serves the park, facility, or plaza.

Ref Code of Ordinances Chapter 13.36.020

An interview given by Scott Marcus, Las Vegas Drone Operations Program Manager, to KCLV states that drones are allowed in Las Vegas City Parks given that operators comply with standard safety rules.

Ref Interview with Scott Marcus, Drone Operations Program Manager


City of Henderson

Unmanned aircraft can only be operated in designated parks during normal hours of operation and in accordance with all applicable Nevada, city, and federal regulations. The designated parks are as follows:

  • Amador Vista Park
  • Cornerstone Park
  • Hidden Falls Park
  • Mission Hills Park

Ref City of Henderson Parks and Trails

Scored % on their FAA Exam