Department of Natural Resources Order 5.1
- Prohibits the use of a drone in a manner that interferes with department employees from performing their duties.
- Prohibits drone use within 100 yards of a cultural or historical site or structure, upon or over the Tahquamenon Falls viewing platform, over an occupied beach area, campground, or equestrian facility, over a restroom or open-air changing court.
- Commercial drone operations in Michigan State parks and recreation areas are allowed only upon granting of a written permission from the department
Ref Michigan State parks and recreation areas
Senate Bill 992 (2015)
- Prohibits local authorities from regulating UAS operations and allows commercial and recreational drone operations as long as they comply with federal laws.
- Prohibits drone operations that interfere with emergency operations, violates restraining orders, or infringes upon a person’s right to safety and reasonable expectation to privacy.
- Prohibits sex offenders from using drones to communicate, stalk, photography, film, or record the persons they are not allowed to contact.
Michigan State Legislature maintains pre-emption for all rules and regulations that concern recreational and
commercial drone use.
Senate Bill 54
Prohibits the use of drones in a manner that interferes with persons engaged in hunting or fishing.
Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act Section 324.40111c
Prohibits the taking of game or fish using an unmanned vehicle that uses aerodynamic forces to achieve flight.